Speak Italian like a native when you use the Italian verb “Prendere”!
In this blog, “Use ‘Prendere’ to Speak Italian Like a Native, “ we will focus on how and when to use the Italian verb prendere during daily conversation. This is the second topic in a new series, and I will try to post an in-depth analysis of a different Italian verb every few months.
The heart of any language is its verbs. Too often, language teachers focus on verb conjugation drills and provide a few example sentences, assuming that the student then has the tools he or she needs to communicate. Although many Italian verbs have similar meanings to those in English, and it is sometimes easy to transition between English and Italian during conversation, other times the use of an Italian verb will vary from its English counterpart. I believe that to speak fluently in any language it is important to have an in-depth understanding of how each verb is used in real life situations.
In which situation will one verb commonly be chosen over another? How will the point one is making change depending on the verb chosen? How will the meaning of the chosen verb change with use of the reflexive counterpart of the verb? This information must be studied and understood so it can be easily accessible when it comes time to have a conversation. Since this information is not commonly found in text books, I have decided to make it the focus of a blog series.
“Prendere,” the Italian verb that means “to take” and is one of those verbs that is important to “take seriously” if one wants to use it correctly.
Enjoy the second topic in this series: Use “Prendere” to Speak Italian Like a Native.
—Kathryn Occhipinti
Special thanks to Italian instructor Maria Vanessa Colapinto.
Parts of this blog have been reposted from Italian Phrases We Use EVERY Day! – “The Many Uses of the Italian Verb “Prendere” from Conversational Italian! a blog by the same author.
Speak Italian Like a Native:
Italian Verb Prendere
Prendere most commonly means “to take,” but can also be translated as “to bring,” “to pick up,” “to get,” or“to buy/acquire.”
The past participle preso can also be used to describe liking someone or something a lot. This use stretches the meaning of prendere a bit, but there is a similar expression in English — being “taken with” someone — that also expresses the same idea.
In its reflexive form, prendersiis used to convey how a person can “catch/come down with” an illness.
When you are able to visit Italy, use prendere when ordering food in a restaurant to really sound like a native!
Prendereis also commonly used by Italians in reference to earning money, taking medicine, or being “overtaken” by an emotional or physical condition.
Finally, the Italian expressions for “to tease” and “to sunbathe” use prendere. As you can see, this verb is used in many ways in Italian!
The present tense, familiar imperative (command) tense, and future tenses of prendere have a regular conjugation, and are used frequently in daily conversation.
Prendere is also commonly used in the past tense in order to describe what we “took,” “brought,” “picked up,” “got,” or “caught.”
To describe a one-time event that occurred in the past with prendere,we will most often use the helping verb avere(to have)with the irregular past participle preso. For conversation, we will focus on the ioand tu forms. We can begin a statement with the ioform, such as, “Ho preso…”for “I took…” We can ask questions with the tuform by simply stating, “Hai preso…?”
In the expressions that describe the subject “liking,” or “being taken with” a person or a thing, essere(to be) is used as verb that links the subject with the past participle preso.
The passato prossimo for the reflexive verb prendersineeds the helping verb essere, as do all reflexive Italian verbs. Remember to leave out the subject pronoun iowhen you want to say, “Mi sono preso un raffredore ieri.”(I caught a cold yesterday.)And, of course, when using essere as the helping verb with prendere,remember our usual rule for past participles: if you are female, or your subject is a group of people, make sure to change the past participle preso to presa, presi, or prese!
Examples follow below for the many ways to use the Italian verb prendere:
1. Use prendere to describe the act of “taking,” “bringing” or “picking up” something
In order to direct someone to take something and put it in a different place, use prendere. This includes when the object is on the ground or resting on another object, and you must literally “pick it up” from that place.
When directing someone to take something in Italian, it is important to use the command form of prendere, which has the same “i” ending as the tu form in the present tense. (To use the familiar command form, just use the present tense subjunctive mood ending. The familiar command form will not be used in our examples, but more information can be found at Italian Subjunctive (Part 7): Italian Subjunctive Commands).
Remember that for events in the recent future, Italians use the present tense. To emphasize that something will happen for sure in the recent future or well into the future, use the future tense.
Notice that in the past tense we must use avere as the helping verb with the irregular past participle presoto describe what we “took,” “brought,” or “picked up.”
“Prendi quella roba che nessuno vuole e mettila lì!”
“Take that stuff that no one wants and put it there!”
“Prendi il vino a tavola per cena!” (Porta il vino a tavola.)
“Take/Bring the wine to the table for dinner!”
“Quando faccio la spesa domani, prendo la tua macchina. Non voglio camminare con troppi bagagli pesanti.
“When I go grocery shopping tomorrow, I (will take) your car. I don’t want to walk with so many heavy bags.
Prenderò tante cose da portare alla famiglia quando viaggerò in America tra cinque anni.
I will take many things to bring to the family when I travel to America in 5 years.
“Prendi il piatto che tu hai lasciato cadere per terra!
“Pick up the plate that you let drop on the floor!”
“Prendo tutta la spazzatura nella tua stanza e la butto via domani.”
” I will pick up all the garbage in your room and throw it out tomorrow.”
“Hai preso il vino da portare alla nonna per la cena?”
“Did you take the wine to bring to grandma for dinner ieri?”
“Si, ho preso una buona bottiglia di vino specialmente per la nonna ieri sera.”
“Yes, I took/brought a nice bottle of wine especially for grandma last night.”
2. Use prendere to describe “picking up” someone
Use prendere with the verb passare when you want to “pass by” and “pick someone up.”As we’ve already seen in our blog about passare,these two verbs are combined to make the important every day expression “passare a prendere,” which means “to pick (someone) up.”The reference now-a-days is usually to driving in a car, but the same expression could be used when taking someone on a walk.
In the examples given below, the pronouns tiand mi are given in red to demonstrate that they are attached to the end of prendere.
“Passerò/Passo a prenderti alle otto.”
“I will (pass by and) pick you up at 8 AM.”
Grazie! Passa a prendermialle otto! Sto aspettando!
Thanks! Pick me up at eight. I (will be) waiting!
Side note: if you want to ask someone to “pick you up” from a particular place, venire is used with prendere:
“Può venire alla stazione a prendermi?”
“Can you (polite) come to the station and get me?”
3. Use prendere when describing what food you would like to order/eat
“Prendo un piatto di spaghetti per il primo piatto.”
“I will take (have) a plate of spaghetti for the first course.“
“Stammatina prendo un buon caffè prima di andare al lavoro.”
“This morning I will take (have) a good (cup of) coffee before going to work.”
“Dai, prendi l’ultima fetta di pane!”
“Come on, take the last slice of bread!”
“Che cosa vuole prendere per dolce, signore?”
“What would you like to have (take) for dessert, sir?”
4. Use prendere to describe the act of taking medicine
“Devo prendere una pillola ogni mattina per l’ipertenzione .”“I have to take one pill every morning for hypertension.”
5. Use prendere to describe buying, acquiring or earning something
“Ho preso un chilo di mele ieri dal fruttivendolo in piazza.”
“I bought a kilogram of apples yesterday from the fruit vendor in the piazza.”
Lui ha preso la casa per pochi soldi la settimana scorsa.
He aqcuired (bought) the house for very little money last week.
“Ho preso cinquanta euro al lavoro iera sera.”
“I earned 50 euros at work last night.”
Lui non ha preso molti soldi l’anno scorsa a vendere le scarpe.
He did not earn much money last year selling shoes.
6. Use the past participle preso with these expressions to describe liking something or someone a lot.
The phrase “Sono preso da…” is similar to the phrase “Sono innamorato di…” and conveys the ideas of “I really like/I’m in love with…”
Other Italian expressions that describe the different ways we can like someone are: “Sono cotto di…”” I have a crush on…” and “Sono colpito da…”“I am impressed with..”
Notice that some of these phrases take the conjunction da, while others use the conjunction di.
To form the past tense for these phrases, we must add the past participle of essere, which is stato,and change the ending of stato to (a,i,e) as necessary to reflect the gender and number of the subject.
“Sono preso(a) da questo libro.”
“I like this book a lot.” (I am really taken with this book.)
“Sono preso(a) da te.”
“I like you a lot!” (“I am really taken by you!”)
“Sono stato(a) preso da questo libro.”
“I liked this book a lot.” (I was really taken with this book.)
“Sono stato(a) preso da te.”
“I liked you a lot!” (“I was really taken by you!”)
“Io e Anna siamo presi molto l’uno dall’altra.”
“Ann and I (we) like each other very much.”
Anna e Michele non sono presi molto l’uno dall’altra.
Ann and Michael (they) don’t like each other very much.
Side note: if you want to describe how someone or something has so enthralled or dazzled you, in effect “blinding you” literally or figuratively (abbiagliarsi) so that you make a mistake, use the expression prendere un abbaglio.
“Ha preso un abbaglio.”
“I made a mistake.”
7. Use prendersi to describe getting sick, as in “catching a cold,” or “coming down with” an illness
Remember the Italian use of reflexive verbs to indicate “to get” in English. If you would like to review this topic, check out our blog How to Say “To Get” in Italian.
“Mi sono preso un brutto raffredore improvvisamente.”
“I caught a bad cold all of a sudden.”
“Mi sono preso l’influenza ieri.”
“I came down with the flu yesterday.”
8. Use prendere to describe “being overtaken” by an emotion or sickness, and prendersela when offended/angered
“Sono stato preso(a) da un grand tristezza quando ho incontrato il mio amore perduto.”
“I was overtaken by a great sadness when I met my lost love again.“
Me la sono presa con te ieri sera durante la riunone!
I was offended by you last night during the meeting!
9. Two more common phrases that use prendere
Prendere in giro = to make fun of, to tease
Mio fratello maggiore mi prende sempre in giro.My big brother is always teasing me.Non mi prendere in giro! (negative command) Don’t make fun of me!
Prendere il sole =to sunbathe
Oggi prendo il sole sulla spiaggia per tutta la mattina.Today I will sunbathe on the beach all morning.
Remember how to use the Italian verbprendere in conversation and I guarantee you will use this verb every day!
And remember to study our Conversational Italian for Travelers “Just the Verbs” book if you want more real life examples of all the important Italian verbs you will need to know!
Conversational Italian for Travelers “Just the Verbs” book to learn Italian.
Kathryn Occhipinti, MD, is the author of theConversational Italian for Travelersseries of books and a teacher of Italian for travelers to Italy in the Peoria and Chicago area.“Everything you need to know to enjoy your visit to Italy!”
Visitlearntravelitalian.com/download.html to purchase/download Conversational Italian for Travelers and find more interesting facts and helpful hints about getting around Italy!Learn how to buy train tickets online, how to make international and local telephone calls, and how to decipher Italian coffee names and restaurant menus, all while gaining the basic understanding of Italian that you will need to know to communicate easily and effectively while in Italy. —From the staff at Stella Lucente, LLC
Can you speak Italian? By now, many of you have passed the beginning stages of learning how to speak Italian and can read and comprehend quite a bit of the language. Meraviglioso!
But have you tried to take the next step to speak Italian fluently? Can you describe your daily routine and talk about yourself in Italian? Can you speak Italian the way you would speak in your native language, with complex and varied sentences? This is more difficult than it may seem at first, and it’s something that I am always working on!
This series will focus on the situations that have come up most frequently in my everyday conversations with Italian instructors and friends. The “Speak Italian” blog series will focus on the type of sentence structure and vocabulary we all need to remember to be more fluent when we speak Italian!
To take that giant step from simple beginning sentences to more complex and fluid sentences in Italian, we must know many things; in this segment, we will discuss how to use reflexive verbs, how to use irregular verbs to say what we like, and how to describe the passage of time.
In the “Speak Italian” blog series, a short essay or dialogue in Italian will be presented about a commonly used topic of conversation. Then, we will review the Italian grammar that is necessary to talk about the particular topic in detail. And finally, the same material will be presented in Italian and English, with blanks for the reader to fill in with descriptions from his or her own life!
Remember these examples about yourself as “anchors” in your knowledge for when you must speak Italian in your next conversation!
Enjoy the second topic in this series, “Speak Italian: All About… What I Am Doing!” —Kathryn Occhipinti
Here is a short description of what I do every day. The reflexive verbs used in Italian for daily activities (many of which often translate as “to get” in English) have been underlined.
Also underlined are the verbs for “to like” (“to be pleasing to”) and “it takes time,” because they follow a different pattern of conjugation than regular Italian verbs.
Do you have a schedule that you follow every day? What do you like to eat for breakfast? Where do you go? After reading my daily routine, use the blank spaces in the form that follows to fill in the Italian for your daily routine!
Speak Italian: All About… What I Am Doing!
On the days that I have to work, I get up at 7 in the morning. I giorni che devo lavorare, mi alzo alle sette di mattina.
My cell phone rings at 6:15 and I wake up, but I do not get up until 7! Il mio telefonino suona alle sei e quindici e mi sveglio ma non mi alzo fino alle sette!
The first thing I do is take a shower. Per prima cosa, mi faccio la doccia.
Then, I like to eat something for breakfast, so I make a cup of coffee and also have some bread or an Italian cookie. Allora, mi piace mangiare qualcosa per la prima colazione, cosi faccio un caffè ed anche mangio del pane o un biscotto.
If I am not in a hurry, sometimes I will have a fried egg, toast, and orange juice instead. Se non ho fretta, qualche volta, invece, mangio un uovo fritto, il pane tostato e bevo un bicchiere di succo di arancio.
My morning routine to get ready for work includes the usual things: I brush my teeth, wash my face, get dressed, and brush my hair. La mia routine di mattina perprepararmi per il lavoro include le solite cose: mi lavo i denti, mi lavo la faccia, mi vesto, e mi pettino.
I always wear makeup (for men: shave) when I go out of the house and especially to work. Mi trucco sempre (per gli uomini: mi faccio la barba) quando esco di casa e specialmente quando vado a lavorare.
But it is not easy and it takes time, usually about 20 minutes. Ma non è facile e ci vuole tempo, normalmente quasi venti minuti.
On some days, I can put on makeup (for men: shave) quickly. Qualche giorno, però, mi posso truccare (per gli uomini: mi faccio la barba) rapidamente.
All of this usually takes me until 8:00 and then I must take the children to school. Per fare tutto, mi ci vuole fino alle otto e poi devo portare i miei figli a scuola.
After I have dropped off the children at school, I take the train into the city to work. Dopo avere portato i miei figli a scuola, prendo il treno per la città per andare a lavorare.
The train is very reliable, and it takes only 30 minutes to reach the city. Il treno è molto affidabile e ci vogliono solamente trenta minuti per arrivare in città.
On the way, I read the newspaper. Durante il viaggio, leggo il giornale.
By 3 PM, I take the train back home. Per le quindici, prendo il treno e torno a casa.
At 4 PM, I pick up the children from school and take them home. Alle quattro di pomeriggio, io vado a prendere i miei figli dalla scuola e li porto a casa.
When I come home in the evening, I take off my coat and shoes and get changed into jeans or athletic wear to be more comfortable. Quando torno a casa di sera, mi tolgo il cappotto e le scarpe e mi metto i jeans o la tuta (indumento da ginnastica) per stare più comoda.
I make dinner for my children during the workweek, but on the weekend, we usually go out to eat for dinner. Preparo la cena per i miei figli durante la settimana lavorativa, ma il fine settimana di solito ceniamo fuori.
Later, I try to relax. Più tardi, provo a riposarmi.
I get undressed and put on my pajamas. Mi svesto e mi metto il pigiama.
I watch the news on the television and fall asleep at 11:30 at night. Guardo le notizie alla televisione e mi addormento alle undici e mezzo di notte.
I start this same routine all over again the next morning! Comincio di nuovo questa routine la mattina dopo!
Many Italian verbs are followed by prepositions, those “little words” that link one phrase to another for descriptive purposes; improper use of prepositions is a common issue for all non-native speakers, because one must tap into the “way of thinking” of each language to use prepositions correctly. It is often the prepositions that give away the fact that one has had to study to learn a language—no matter how well one speaks otherwise.
Learning when to use which preposition in Italian can be challenging, and often, the “rules” of preposition use do not make sense and just need to be memorized.
Da and di are two common Italian prepositions. “Da” usually means “from,” and “di” usually means “of,” although “di” is often used in situations where in English we would use “from.”
The Italian verb “uscire,” which means “to go out,” or “to leave” is usually followed by da + definite article (il, lo, la, etc.),but when referring to the act of leaving one’s house(casa),uscire takes the preposition di without the definite article. You might want to remember this detail by thinking of the alternate meaning of the word “casa,” which is the very personal “home,” and that when speaking in Italian about one’s family and home in other situations, a definite article is not necessary. Also, notice from the last example below that the verb andare (to go) is always followed by the preposition “a,” for “to,” without the definite article.
1. Prepositions for Uscire
da + definite article
di (with reference to casa)
2. Preposition for Andare – a
Examples of use:
Io esco dal ristorante.
I go out to the restaurant to eat.
Io esco di casa.
I go out ofthe house./I leave the house.
Io vado a casa mia.
I go to my house.
Mi trucco sempre quando esco di casa e specialmente quando vado a lavorare.
I always wear makeup when I leave the house and especially when I go to work.
Speak Italian: You Will Need to Know…
Use of Preposition: “Per”
The preposition “per” is used in Italian to express intent and purpose and will be used to start phrases that will then describe what you are going to do. The English translation will usually be “for” but can also be “to.” When referring to time, “per” takes the place of “by” in English. The combination “stare per” means “to be about to.”
Per prima cosa, mi faccio la doccia.
The first thing I do is take a shower.
Per fare tutto…
To do all this…
Per le quidici…
By 3 PM…
La mia routine di mattina perprepararmi per il lavoro include…
My morning routine to get ready for work includes…
Io sto per studiare l’italiano stasera.
I am about to study Italian tonight.
Speak Italian: You Will Need to Know…
How to Tell Time
On any given day, the time we need to do things frequently comes up. We often have to ask specifically what time our transportation will be leaving or what time an event will be starting. Here are some examples of questions you may need to ask. Remember, there is no insertion of the word “does” in Italian when asking a question, the way we do in English.
A che ora…?
(At) what time (does)…?
A che ora arriva l’aeroplano?
At what time (does) the airplane arrive?
(lit. At what hour arrives the airplane?)
A che ora parte il treno?
At what time (does) the train leave?
A che ora comincia* il viaggio?
At what time (does) the trip start?
A che ora inizia* il film?
At what time (does) the film begin?
A che ora finisce il film?
At what time (does) the movie end?
A che ora apre il museo?
At what time (does) the museum open?
A che ora chiude il museo?
At what time (does) the museum close?
*Cominciare and iniziare are interchangeable in Italian.
The answers to the above questions will also use the word “at,” which is the word “a” in Italian.We can mention our special times of day if they apply, such as “a mezzogiorno” or “a mezzanotte.” Otherwise, the word a will be combined with the definite article (the) (l’ or le). The Italian definite article l’ is combined with a to make all’ before the word una for the phrase “all’una,” which means “at one.” For all numbers greater than one, use a with the definite article le to make “alle” (alle due – ventiquattro) (at two through 24).
A mezzogiorno.
At noon.
A mezzanotte.
At midnight.
At one o’clock.
Alle sette.
At seven o’clock.
All’una e cinque.
At 1:05 AM.
Alle sette e mezzo.
At 7:30 AM.
If desired, to emphasize the time of day, as in morning, afternoon, evening, or night, you can add the following expressions after stating the numerical time: “di mattina, di pomeriggio, di sera, or di notte.”
Speak Italian: You Will Need to Know…
Common Reflexive Verbs
Here is a list of regular direct reflexive verbs that includes all three conjugations. Reflexive forms are extremely important for conversation because they often involve activities and emotions that we encounter every day. Note that many of these verbs are not reflexive in English.
to make oneself comfortable
to worry/get worried
to realize
to get better/to recover
to fall asleep
to relax oneself
to get up
to rest
to be/become bored
to be wrong
to become angry
to hurry up
to dry oneself
to excuse oneself
to get wet/to take a bath
to get undressed
to go over to/head over
to get married
divertirsi (a)
to enjoy oneself/play with
to wake up
to stop oneself
to get undressed
to fall in love
to take off
to put on (clothes)
to put on make-up
to get a university degree
to be ashamed
to move oneself
to get dressed/to wear
to comb one’s hair
Also, many of the verbs that describe what we do every day, which are translated as “to get…” in English are reflexive in Italian. Let’s take these commonly used verbs that mean “to get” out of the list above:
to get up
to get bored
to get angry
to get wet / take a bath
to get a university degree / to graduate
to put on clothing / to get (oneself) in trouble
to get worried / to worry
to get better / to recover
to get undressed
to get married
to get dressed/to get undressed
Ho deciso di sposarmi.
I have decided to get married.
Non ti metti nei guai.
Don’t get (put) yourself in trouble.
Mi sono messo nei guai.
I got (put) myself in trouble.
Speak Italian: You Will Need to Know…
How to Conjugate Reflexive Verbs
Reflexive verbs take a reflexive pronoun before the verb. They are conjugated in the usual way, by dropping the –are, –ere, and –ire verb endings and adding the regular endings for each type of verb to the stem that remains.
ire (isco)
When we use an infinitive reflexive verb in a sentence, the reflexive pronoun must come after the verb; the –si is dropped from the infinitive ending, and the reflexive pronoun is then added directly onto the stem at the end of the verb.
This is the same word order that we routinely use in English! This situation usually occurs in Italian when one of the helping verbs (dovere, potere, or volere) (to have to, to be able to, or to want) precedes a reflexive verb.
Voglio divertirmi.
(I) want to enjoy myself.
Volgio riposarmi.
(I) want to rest (myself).
Devo alzarmi.
(I) must get (myself) up.
Speak Italian: You Will Need to Know…
How to Make Sentences with Reflexive Verbs
Here are some example sentences that use the regular verbs listed on the previous page. The Italian subject pronoun “io,” meaning “I” is included in the Italian examples, although, unlike the I in English, io is almost always omitted with reflexive verbs (as in most general conversation). Parentheses have been used in the Italian sentences as a reminder of this fact. In the same way, parentheses are used in the English translation to indicate Italian reflexive pronouns that are not necessary in English.
Getting up in the morning:
(Io) Mi sveglio.
I wake up. (lit. I wake myself up.)
(Io) Mi alzo.
I get up. (lit. I get myself up.)
(Io) Mi alzo presto.
I get (myself) up early.
(Io) Mi alzo alle sei.
I get (myself) up at 6 AM.
(Io) Mi alzo tardi domani.
I (am going to) get (myself) up late tomorrow.
Getting ready to go out for the day:
(Io) Mi faccio il bagno.
I take a bath. (lit. I make myself the bath.)
(Io) Mi lavo.
I wash myself.
(Io) Mi asciugo.
I dry myself off.
(Io) Mi pettino.
I comb (myself) my hair.
(Io) Mi preparo per il lavoro.
I get (myself) ready for (the) work.
(Io) Mi vesto.
I get (myself) dressed.
(Io) Mi metto i vestiti.
I put on (myself) the clothes.
(Io) Mi trucco.
I put on my makeup.
(Io) Mi metto la giacca e le scarpe.
I put on (myself) the jacket and the shoes.
(Io) Mi sento molto bene!
I feel very well!
Vado al lavoro./Vado a lavorare.
I go to work.
At the end of the day:
Torno a casa.
I return home.
(Io) Mi tolgo la giacca.
I take off (myself) the jacket.
Preparo la cena per la famiglia.
I make the dinner for the family.
Alle nove (io) mi svesto.
At nine (I) get (myself) undressed.
(Io) Mi tolgo le scarpe.
(I) take off my shoes.
(Io) Mi metto il piajama e le ciabatte.
I put on (myself) the pajamas and slippers.
(Io) Mi rilasso.
I relax (myself).
(Io) Mi riposo.
I rest (myself).
(Io) Mi addormento.
I fall (myself) asleep.
Speak Italian: You Will Need to Know…
How to Describe Getting Dressed with the Reflexive Verbs Vestirsi and Mettersi
The Italian verb “vestirsi” carries the general meaning of “to get dressed.” To use this verb, just conjugate it as you would any other reflexive verb to make a simple sentence. Remember that in Italian, the subject pronoun is always left out of the sentence, so it is given in parentheses below.
(Io) Mi vesto.
I get dressed.
(Tu) Ti vesti.
You get dressed.
(Lei/Lui) Si veste.
She/He gets dressed.
When talking about putting on an article of clothing, such as a dress or suit (vestito),* for instance, Italian uses the reflexive verb “mettersi” (to put on oneself).
*A note:Don’t confuse the verb vestire with the noun vestito, which means dress and also suit (pants and jacket or skirt and jacket). These words are similar but have different meanings! Also, it should be mentioned that the plural noun, vestiti, means clothing.(Other words for suit that can be used for both sexes are abito and completo.)
Here is how it works:
“Mettersi” can be used to convey the ideas of, “I put on the dress,” “I put on my dress,” and “I put my dress on.” The reflexive pronoun mi (myself) is placed beforethe conjugated form of mettersi, as usual, and the article of clothing to be put on is then placed after the verb. The subject pronoun is omitted. So the final sentence for “I put on the/my dress,” is, “Mi metto il vestito.”
Just remember the simple phrase “mi metto” and replace il vestito with the article of clothing of your choice to describe your own action! To describe action in the tu(you) form, just conjugate mettersi normally and then add the article of clothing, as in “ti metti,” or in the lei/lui(she/he) form, use “si mette,” and so on.
(Io) Mi metto il vestito.
I put on the dress./I put the dress on./I put on my dress.
(Tu) Ti metti l’anello.
You put on the ring.
(Lei/lui) Si mette le scarpe.
She/he puts on shoes.
Speak Italian: You Will Need to Know…
How to Describe Wearing Clothes with the Verbs Portare, Mettersi,and Vestire
In order to say“I am wearing…” or “I take the size…” the verbportare, which is not reflexive, is usually used in the present tense. You no doubt remember that portare is also commonly used to mean “to bring” or “to carry.”
Porto il mio vestito preferito.
I am wearing my favorite dress.
Porto la (taglia) quarantotto.
I take size 48.
Portare can also be used to say “I wore” in the past tense. But perhaps because portare is used so commonly with its other meaning of “to bring” in the present tense, in order to describe what they have worn, most Italians prefer to revert to mettersi and use its (irregular) past participle messo. Remember to use the helping verb essere for the passato prossimo past tense form with the reflexive verb mettersi. Here is how it works:
(Io) Mi sono messo un completo.
(Io) Mi sono messa una gonna.
I wore a suit.
I wore a skirt.
Ho portato una gonna.
I wore a skirt.
Another way to describe how someone was dressed is to use the imperfetto past tense of essere with the descriptive past participle vestito(a,i,e). This type of phrase can be used to make generalizations, as well as to refer to a specific article of clothing. When being specific, the preposition “con” is used in these phrases, as in the examples below.
Era vestito con un abito grigio.
He was dressed in a suit.
Era vestita con una gonna blu.
She was dressed in a blue skirt.
Eravamo vestiti tutto in rosso per la festa.
We were dressed all in red for the party.
Speak Italian: You Will Need to Know…
How to Describe Wearing Clothes with the Verb Indossare
The verb indossare also means “to wear” and “to put on.” This verb can is used in exactly the same way as portare or mettersi. To the Italian ear, the verb indossare is said to have a more elegant sound than portare or mettersi, and perhaps this is why indossare is more common in written Italian than in conversation.
Just like the other two verbs that have the same meaning, indossare must always be followed by the article of clothing that the person is wearing.
Caterina indossa un abito rosso.
Kathryn is wearing a red dress.
La signora indossava un cappotto molto elegante.
The lady was wearing a very elegant coat.
Finally, when something fits perfectly on you or another, to really fit into Italian society, use the idiomatic expression “calzare a pennello.” Calzature refers to shoes, or “footwear,” so this Italian saying is the equivalent of the English saying, “It fits you like a glove” or “It fits you to a T.”
Mi calza a pennello!
It fits me perfectly!
Ti calza a pennello!
It fits you perfectly!
Lo/la calza a pennello!
It fits him/her perfectly!
Speak Italian: You Will Need to Know…
How to Conjugate the Irregular Verb Piacere
The irregular verb piacere literally means to like,as in “to be pleasing to.” It is the verb that Italians use when they want to express the idea that they like something. In English, when we say we like something, we mention two things: what thing is being liked and by whom. So in English, we would say, “I like the car,” and fulfill these two requirements with the subject pronoun “I” and the direct object “car.”
But in Italian, the indirect object is used instead of the direct object, to describe to whom the thing is liked or pleasing to. If we wanted to change up this same English phrase into the Italian way of thinking, we could say, “The car is pleasing to me.” You will hopefully find the mixed Italianized-English phrase “is pleasing to” to be very helpful to understand how piacere really works!
The tricky thing about this type of phrase in Italian is that the conjugation of piacere will have to agree with the number of things that are being liked.
So, if one thing is liked, or an infinitive verb follows, piace is used.
If many things are liked, piacciono is used.
Italians then put the indirect object pronoun (mi, ti, Le, le, gli, ci, vi, or gli) before the verb, at the beginning of the sentence, to denote to whom the thing is pleasing to.
Piace—to be pleasing to: if one thing is liked/before infinitive verbs
Mi piace il vestito.
The dress is pleasing to me.
I like the dress.
Ti piace il vestito.
The dress is pleasing to you. (fam.)
You like the dress.
Le piace il vestito.
Gli/le piace il vestito.
The dress is pleasing to you. (pol.)
The dress is pleasing to him/her.
You like the dress.
He/she likes the dress.
Ci piace il vestito.
The dress is pleasing to us.
We like the dress.
Vi piace il vestito.
The dress is pleasing to you all.
You all like the dress.
Gli piace il vestito.
The dress is pleasing to them.
They like the dress.
Piacciono—to be pleasing to: if more than one thing is liked
Mi piacciono i vestiti.
The dresses are pleasing to me.
I like the dresses.
Ti piacciono i vestiti.
The dresses are pleasing to you. (fam.)
You like the dresses.
Le piacciono i vestiti.
Gli/le piacciono i vestiti.
The dresses are pleasing to you. (pol.)
The dresses are pleasing to him/her.
You like the dresses.
He/she likes the dresses.
Ci piacciono i vestiti.
The dresses are pleasing to us.
We like the dresses.
Vi piacciono i vestiti.
The dresses are pleasing to you all.
You all like the dresses.
Gli piacciono i vestiti.
The dresses are pleasing to them.
They like the dresses.
Speak Italian: You Will Need to Know…
How to Conjugate Volerci for Phrases Describing Time
To describe the general passage of time that it takes to do something, an English speaker will often say, “It takes time.”Volerci is used to express this idea in Italian. Volerci is called a pronominal verb because the impersonal adverb “ci” is an integral part o this verb. Volerci takes on a different meaning from volere andis used to describe the time, effort or tools needed to accomplish something. For now, now we will only discuss its meaning regarding the time it takes to do something.
To follow is the method to translate the phrase “it takes time” into Italian using the verb volerci. First, it should be noted that the impersonal adverb “ci” is always used to begin the phrase. “Volere” is then conjugated to reflect the amount of time taken, in either the third person singular or plural. This is the similar to the way we conjugate the verb piacere, except with piacere the reference is to what we like, rather than to how much time something takes.
So when saying, “It takes time,” the word “time” is considered one segment of time, and the third person singular form of volere, which is “vuole,” is used.
If the time “it” takes is one minute, one hour, one month, or one year—that is, if the reference is to one time segment, use “vuole.”
If the time “it” takes is more than one of each time segment(plural), the third person plural form of volere, which is “vogliono,” is used.
Ci vuole tempo.
It takes time.
Ci vuole un minuto.
Ci vogliono due minuti.
It takes one minute/two minutes.
Ci vuole un’ora.
Ci vogliono due ore.
It takes one hour/two hours.
Ci vuole un giorno.
Ci vogliono due giorni.
It takes one day/two days.
Ci vuole un mese.
Ci vogliono due mesi.
It takes one month/two months.
Ci vuole un anno.
Ci vogliono due anni.
It takes one year/two years.
Commonly used questions that refer to time begin with “how much,” such as, “How much time does it take?” These phrases always begin with “Quanto.” We remember that “quanto” always changes to match the gender and number of the noun it is placed before and modifies. Answer using the phrases in the table given in this section!
Quanto tempo ci vuole per arrivare a Roma da Milano? How much time does it take to get to Rome from Milan?
Quante ore ci vogliono per finire il tour?
How many hours will it take to finish the tour?
Other verbs that act like piacere, but will not be discussed here, include the following:
to displease/to upset
to be lacking/to miss
to require/to need
to need
Speak Italian: You Will Need to Know…
How to Use Volerci for Phrases Describing Time
with Reference to People
If we want to speak in a little more complicated manner (and why not?) we can use the verb volerci* to describe how much time it will take someone to do something. Remember to place the indirect object pronouns (mi, ti, le, gli, vi, gli) before civuole to refer to the “someone”we are talking about.
Looking at the table below, you will notice that “a noi” is used to mean “to us” before “ci vuole.” In this case, the indirect object pronoun “ci” for “to us,” is not used. The word “ci” is already a part of volerci, and is always placed before the conjugated verb form. To avoid the repetition that would occur in the phrase “ci ci vuole tempo,” Italians revert to “a noi.”
Of course, we can always replace the word tempo in the examples below with a unit of time. Remember the rules we just learned: If one unit of time is referred to, use the verb vuole, as in the examples. If more than one unit of time is referred to, we need to use vogliono.
Mi ci vuole molto tempo.
It takes me time.
Ti ci vuole molto tempo.
It takes you time.
Le ci vuole molto tempo.
It takes her time.
Gli ci vuole molto tempo.
It takes him time.
A noi ci vuole molto tempo.
It takes us time.
Vi ci vuole molto tempo.
I takes you all time.
Gli ci vuole molto tempo.
It takes them time.
*Volerci is a pronomial verb and takes on a different meaning from volere, as described in the previous section.
Commonly used questions that refer to time begin with “how much,” such as, “How much time does it take?” These phrases always begin with “Quanto.” We remember that “quanto” always changes to match the gender and number of the noun it is placed before and modifies. Answer using the phrases in the table given in the section above, but change the word time to the number of minutes or hours!
Quanto tempo ti ci vuole per arrivare a casa mia? How much time does it take you to get to my house?
Quante ore ti ci vogliono per arrivare a casa mia? How many hours will it take you to get to my house?
If we want to use the past tense with volerci in a phrase regarding time, we need to use the past participle voluto, with essere as the helping verb to form the passato prossimo.
For a general statement about time in the past tense, as in the examples below, use the passato prossimo verb è voluto.
Of course, we can always replace the word tempo in the examples below with a unit of time. Remember the rules we just learned: If one unit of time is referred to in the past, use the verb è voluto, as in the examples. If more than one unit of time is referred to in the past, we need to use sono voluti(e).
To make these statements negative, just put “non” at the beginning of the sentence (with the exception of the “a noi”).
Below are some commonly used phrases that use volerci to refer to time in the past tense:
Do you have a schedule that you follow every day? What do you like to eat for breakfast? Where do you go?
Fill in the blanks in the Italian sentence that follows each English sentence, using
the examples given previously, or instead describing what you actually do.
Watch out for those reflexive verbs—the verbs that often mean “I get,” and the phrases
that translate as “I like” and “it takes time.”
On the days that I am working, I get up at ___________________________________. I giorni che devo lavorare, ______________________________________________.
My cell phone rings at _________________ and I wake up, but I do not get up until 7! Il mio telefonino suona _________________e ___________________________,ma
The first thing I do is take a shower. Per prima cosa, _______________________________________________________.
Then, I like to eat something for breakfast, so I make a cup of coffee and
have some bread or an Italian cookie. Allora, ____________________________________qualcosa per la prima colazione,
cosi faccio_______________________________________________ed anche mangio
If I am not in a hurry, sometimes I will have a fried egg, toast, and orange juice instead. Se non ho fretta, qualche volta, mangio ___________________________________
e bevo _________________________________________________________________.
My morning routine to get ready for work includes the usual things:
I brush my teeth, wash my face, get dressed, and brush my hair. La mia routine di mattina ______________________________include le solite cose:
I always wear makeup (for men: shave) when I go out of the house and especially to work. ________________________________ quando esco di casa e specialmente quando vado a lavorare.
But it is not easy and takes time, usually about 20 minutes. Ma non è facile e ______________________, normalmente
On some days, I can put on makeup (or shave) quickly. Qualche giorno, però, __________________________________________ rapidamente.
All of this usually takes me until 8:00 and then I must take the children to school. Per fare tutto, ___________________ fino ___________________ed poi devo portare i miei figli a scuola.
After I have dropped off the children at school, I take the train into the city to work. Dopo aver portato i miei figli a scuola, ________________________________________
per andare a lavorare.
The train is very reliable, and it takes only 30 minutes to reach the city. Il treno è molto affidabile e _____________________ solamente ___________________ per arrivare in città.
On the way, I read the newspaper. Durante il viaggio, leggo il giornale.
By 3 PM, I take the train back home. _______________________________________________, prendo il treno e torno a casa.
At 4 PM, I pick up the children from school and take them home. _______________________, io vado a prendere i miei figli dalla scuola e li porto a casa.
When I come home in the evening, I take off my coat and shoes and get changed into jeans or athletic wear to be more comfortable. Quando torno a casa di sera, __________________________________________________________________________
e ________________________________________________________________________
per stare più comoda.
I make dinner for my children during the workweek, but on the weekend, we usually go out to eat for dinner. Preparo la cena per i miei figli durante la settimana lavorativa, ma il fine settimana di solito ceniamo fuori.
Then I try to relax. Più tardi, _________________________________________________________________.
I get undressed and put on my pajamas. __________________________________________________________________________
e ________________________________________________________________il pigiama.
I watch the news on the television and fall asleep at 11:30 at night. Guardo le notizie alla televisione e _________________________________________________________________________.
I start this same routine all over again the next morning! Comincio di nuovo questa routine____________________________________________ !
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Kathryn Occhipinti, MD, is the author of the Conversational Italian for Travelersseries of books and a teacher of Italian for travelers to Italy in the Peoria and Chicago area. “Everything you need to know to enjoy your visit to Italy!”
Visitlearntravelitalian.com/download.html to purchase/download Conversational Italian for Travelers and find more interesting facts and helpful hints about getting around Italy!Learn how to buy train tickets online, how to make international and local telephone calls, and how to decipher Italian coffee names and restaurant menus, all while gaining the basic understanding of Italian that you will need to know to communicate easily and effectively while in Italy. —From the staff at Stella Lucente, LLC